THE HEAT WAVE. HIGHEST THERMOMETER OF THE SEASON. 24 Jan 1896. The heat here to-day was extreme, the thermometer registering 112 degrees in the middle of the afternoon. 112 deg F = 44.44 Celsius.
THE HEAT WAVE. (1896, January 24). The Bendigo Independent (Vic. : 1891 – 1918), p. 3. Retrieved September 22, 2023, from
The unusual wave of heat which has been reported by telegraph from the north for some days past has apparently extended as far down as the southern coasts.
Yesterday was one of the most unpleasant days experienced in Bendigo for many years, The hot “liquid” wind being very trying. The thermometer topped 80 in the shade before 9 am and rising steadily touched 110 at 3.30 p.m. after which a slightly cooler change set in, and lowering clouds gave promise of a thunderstorm, but it ended in practically nothing.
The readings yesterday at Mr Credgington’s were:- thermometer 9 am 81 12-noon, 102 ° 3 p.m 109 ° 6pm 99 max 110 min 69 Barometer—9 am . 29’46: 6pm : 29 8
In the metropolis, the heat was intense the thermometer showing 111.3 in the shade at 3 pm. Since January 14, 1862 the mercury has not before gone up to 111, so that yesterday’s heat was extraordinary.
The Governments astronomer is of opinion that a change for the better will take place during the next twelve hours. His forecast is:—“ Hot, with northerly winds, probably changing to the south with unsettled but cooler weather.
Our Bridgewater correspondent writes: —
The heat here to-day was extreme, the thermometer registering 112 degrees in the middle of the afternoon.