EARTH IS GETTING COLDER BUT NO FEAR OF ICE AGE. SAYS WEATHER : EXPERT. 07 Nov 1938. ‘Because the world, is growing colder, he declared this week, the next ice age has been postponed.
EARTH IS GETTING COLDER. (1938, November 7). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 – 1954), p. 12. Retrieved October 2, 2023, from
(From a Special Correspondent by Air Mail.)
LONDON, October 22.
Before sailing for Australia where he is to spend six months holiday, Sir George Clarke Simpson, famous weather expert, uttered an astonishing paradox.
Because the world, is growing colder, he declared this week, the next ice age has been postponed.
Sir George Simpson has retired after 18 years as Director of the Meteorological Office and a lifetime devoted to the study of the weather in places so varied as the Antarctic and India.
In his opinion if the world were to grow warmer which it won’t for the present there would be a risk of another ice age.
But if the world continues, to grow colder (as seems likely) there won’t be an ice age until some tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of years hence.
“I’ve been led to the rather paradoxical conclusion that an ice age would be caused by an increase in solar radiation and not by a decrease, as is generally supposed. In other words the paradox is that the more heat we receive from the sun, the more likely an Ice Age becomes.
If the heat of the sun increases the winds on the earth also increase. That means more cloud, and more cloud means more snow on the mountain, tops.
“But since solar radiation is decreasing we are not approaching an Ice Age, though the earth is growing colder.