Netherlands temperatures have risen twice as fast as the world average. Part 40 In The Rest Of The World Is Warming Up Twice As Fast As The Rest Of The World.

The climate around the world is changing. We’ve all seen the images of melting ice caps, faded coral reef in Australia or flooding in other countries around the world. This raises the question; what are the effects of climate change in the Netherlands?


Did you notice how very little snow there was this year? Temperatures keep rising all over the world and even some news outlets have reported on the rising numbers of heat wave casualties. Experts say temperatures have risen by 0.8 degrees worldwide since 1900, but that rise is estimated at 1.7 degrees in the Netherlands. That is twice as fast as the world average temperature and over the past 20 years, there has been no visible decline in this upward trend.

Heavy rainfall has also become more frequent but the good news is that experts in this field say that these effects can be managed. While the heatwave may have been very devastating in some other parts of the world, the Netherlands seems not to have a lot of casualties. This is due to the fact that the Dutch are actually quite prepared for the situation and the Public health institute (RIVM) is known to even implement “National Heat Plans” for regions where people may be at risk. They warn people to stay hydrated, wear thin clothing, try as much as possible to stay in the shade and regularly apply sunscreen.

Climate change worse everywhere than everywhere else