Western Slope warming at faster pace than US. Part 42 In The Rest Of The World Is Warming Up Twice As Fast As The Rest Of The World.
“We’ve known kind of that western Colorado is warming faster than eastern Colorado in general for some time,” he said.
He said one discrepancy between the Post data and the 2014 Colorado study involves Grand Junction. The 2014 report didn’t show a particularly strong warming trend for the city, he said.
“But then it pops up as a hot spot in (the Post) analysis. We’re going to try to figure out why they’re inconsistent and what’s going on,” he said of the two data sets.
In 2016, Joe Ramey, then a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Grand Junction, reported having analyzed records from 11 western Colorado and eastern Utah weather sites dating back to at least 1911, and finding that average minimum daily temperatures per decade showed a notable increase, even as average maximum daily temperatures hadn’t changed much. Much of the increase occurred since the 1970s, rising from 28.7 degrees then to 31.8 degrees for the half-decade of 2011-15.