VAST AREA OF STATE BURNT OUT BY BUSHFIRES (1951, October 4). The Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1930 – 1956), p. 26. Retrieved October 21, 2024, from
BRISBANE, October 3.-One million acres of sheep, cattle and farm country throughout Queensland has already been completely burnt out by the worst bush fires in in the State’s history. it is estimated that over 1000 men are fighting the outbreaks in various areas.
The Weather Bureau today reported there was no hope of rain for the next two or three days.
Areas between Stanthorpe and Brisbane today disrupted interstate telephone communication. At one stage only eight of the 32 interstate lines were functioning. Fires had burnt down telephone poles, but a team of PMG linesmen had most of the damage repaired tonight.
Captain M. Mitchell, of Queensland Airlines, said tonight that airliners today flew through smoke clouds “as black as night” and had to switch on cabin lights.
Two of the worst fires in the Clermont and Nanango districts were gradually being brought under control today.
The Clermont Fire Warden Mr A. J. Clelland) said today that it was hoped to hold the area burning on a 10-mile front at Teresa Creek.
A Nanango constable, J. O’Connor, said that about 300 volunteers had halted a six mile front fire, which approached to within two miles of the town. Nanango business houses will continue to operate with skeleton staffs tomorrow as the volunteers stay out to patrol the fire front.
In the Injune district, Mr George Price’s 42,000 acre Forfar station was burnt out and the fire tonight was encroaching on his second property 160,000-acre Arcasla.
A fire on Warena station, in the Roma district, destroyed 25,000 acres.