WEATHER VAGARIES HOT DAYS—COLD NIGHTS EXCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCES. 23 Feb 1938. What was once just exceptional is now; Extreme! Extinction threatening! Unprecedented! Unheard of! But it isn’t. Whatever happens has happened many times before as this blog proves daily by searching for a minute or two.

WEATHER VAGARIES (1938, February 23). South Western Times (Bunbury, WA : 1932 – 1954), p. 5. Retrieved February 3, 2020, from

Various comments have been passed on the fact that the season has been characterised by remarkable changes.
The season on the whole has been remarkably mild and there in the experience of Bunbury residents the few of days that have been experienced have been followed by exceedingly
cool nights.
However, it is not only residents of Bunbury who have found cause to comment on the vagaries of the weather. It would seem that generally there has been a departure from conditions
usually associated with this period of the year and it would seem also that the conditions in the Bridgetown district have been much more marked than they have been here.
A report from Bridgetown states that frosts have been experienced in that centre, a fact which is certainly unusual in the extreme, for this time of the year.
It is most unusual for Bridgetown to experience a frost in February and it is only on rare occasions that this occurs.
Particularly cold conditions have existed of recent-weeks and very few warm days have been experienced, tonight being very cold.
On Saturday night the ground temperature fell to 28 deg. and a frost was experienced. On Sunday morning many vegetable growers were amazed to find that their tomatoes and melons were badly cut, the melons in particular, being ruined.
Several commercial growers report heavy losses one of the heaviest being Mr. Dug Chidgzey whose property is on the main road to Manjimup.