THE HEAT WAVE. 31 Dec 1904. 122 deg F. in Goodoga = 50 Celsius. A strongly marked heat wave is now passing over the continent, and very high temperatures were recorded yesterday all through the interior.

THE HEAT WAVE. (1904, December 31). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 – 1931), p. 9. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

The present weather indications show little signs of a change, and the Assistant Government Astronomer thinks that the present warm spell will continue for a time.
On Friday morning he said:—” A strongly marked heat wave is now passing over the continent, and very high temperatures were recorded yesterday all through the interior and again this morning. In the south-eastern parts of our State, however, pleasant temperatures were the rule, the maximum, at Robe, being 69 deg., and Cape Northumberland 63.0 deg.

At Adelaide the maximum for Thursday was 99.5 deg., whilst inland it ranged as high as 113 deg. at Charlotte Waters. In Queensland Boulia registered 109 deg. and Thargomindah 108 deg., whilst in New South Wales, Bourke recorded 113 deg., Hay and Dubbo 110 deg., and most inland stations over 107 deg. This morning at 9 a.m. the temperature at Adelaide was 97 deg. in the shade, and 105 deg. at Charlotte Waters.

The weather map this morning gives no immediate indication of any cessation in the high temperatures, a large shallow monsoonal disturbance covering all the interior of Central and Western Australia. In the West the weather is cloudy and threatening over the neighborhood of Perth and Albany, but no rain has fallen, and inland over the goldfield hot and sultry weather continues.

In the tropics monsoonal rains are still very deficient, but during the 24 hours heavy falls have been registered in the Gulf country of Northern Queensland, one station (Port Douglas) registering in that period 10.65 in.
The following message was received at 1 p.m. on Friday from Yardea:—”Excessive heat here. Shade reading for last four days—102 deg., 111 deg., 116 deg., and 118 deg. No signs of cool change yet.”
The maximum readings of the thermometer at the Adelaide Observatory up till 3 p.m. on Friday were:—In the shade. 106.7 deg.; in the sun, 155.9 deg. The readings for last year on December 30 were.—In the shade, 87.8 deg.; in the sun, 137.3 deg. Today’s shade reading is the highest for this summer.
Mount Barker, December 30. This is the hottest day experienced here this summer, the shade reading of the thermometer at noon being 103 deg. In the afternoon the wind veered round, and it became much cooler. Rain is badly needed, many water tanks being empty.
Sydney, December 30. Excessively, hot weather prevailed again to-day, and some very high temperatures were recorded.

Albury put up a record for that town with 116 deg. Merriwa experienced 115 deg., Parkes 112 deg., Ringarie 110 deg., and Cootamundra 104 deg.
The heat was terrific in some country towns. Moulamein and Goodoga recorded 122 deg. in the shade, Eugowrie and Bourke 120 deg., and Berrigan 119 deg.
Melbourne, December 30.
Great heat was experienced all over the country to-day, many places reporting over 100 deg. in the shade.

At Mildura the temperature was 121.5 in the shade. Mr. Baracehi predicts that the heat wave will continue for a few days, with probable thunderstorms.
Broken Hill, December 30.
The highest shade temperature for the year was recorded to-day, when the mercury stood at 112.5 deg.
Perth, December 30.
The Government Astronomer (Mr. Cooke) issued the following forecast to-day for to-morrow

:—”Generally unsettled, with scattered rain and thunderstorms. Cool in coastal districts and becoming somewhat cooler inland. No heavy rain is anticipated, except perhaps here and there in connection with local thunderstorms.”