OCTOBER HEAT 28 Oct 1922. 102.9 deg F = 39.3 Celsius. Never before in the meteorological history of the State and that goes back for centuries has there been so hot a day in the mouth of October, as was experienced on Saturday.
OCTOBER HEAT. (1922, October 28). Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 – 1931), p. 24. Retrieved September 19, 2024, from https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/165679412?searchTerm=october%20heat&searchLimits=#
Ornithologists and Nature lovers have been prophesying during the past month or two that the present would be an early and severe summer.
Unfortunately they appear to have been right so far as the first portion of their prognostication is concerned. Never before in the meteorological history of the State and that goes back for centuries has there been so hot a day in the mouth of October, as was experienced on Saturday.
A falling glass on Friday night indicated higher temperatures, and Saturday morning broke with a cloudless sky and a hot northerly wind.
It was February weather more than October, which some optimists are prone to describe as one of the spring months.
Before 9 o’clock the thermometer registered over 86, and the sun’s rays grew fiercer and fiercer until the apex was reached at 2 p.m. with 102.9. The progressive figures were:
9 a.m. 88.8
10 a.m 93.5
11. a.m 96.0
12 noon .. 99.0
1 p.m 100.5 .
2 p.m 102.9
3 p.m 99.5