SEVEN-YEAR NOVEMBER HEAT RECORD. Nov 13 1943. Guildford 101deg F = 38.3 Celsius

SEVEN-YEAR NOVEMBER HEAT RECORD (1943, November 13). The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 – 1950), p. 2 (FIRST EDITION). Retrieved November 13, 2024, from

Recent heat wave in Perth was the city’s most severe for November since 1936.
Outstanding feature was the long steady rise in temperatures from day to day, culminating on Thursday with the peak maximum of 97 degrees.
Heatwave was limited almost entirely to the south-western districts of the State, Marble Bar,
recognised heat-records breaker, recording continuously low temperatures after November 2.
On November 10 Marble Bar registered 88, Perth 96.7.
Comparison with other States is also interesting.
On the same day Melbourne’s maximum was only 59, Hobart’s 56. On November 11, when Perth’s heat reached its peak of 97 degrees, Melbourne’s highest was 62, Hobart’s 56.
First indication of the heatwave came in the West Gascoyne and at Geraldton on November 3.
By the next day readings were above normal in the metropolitan area, and by Sunday minor heatwave conditions prevailed over most of the south-west districts and continued until yesterday.
Highest reading’s were at Guildford— 100 on Wednesday and 101 on Thursday.
In the city maximum temperatures were above normal on nine successive days, reached 90 or over on four successive days.
Night temperatures were also consistently high, which fact, together with the unbroken rise in day temperatures, kept city buildings hot and made the oppressive conditions more apparent.
Max. Min.
Nov. 1 64.3deg 49.5deg
Nov. 2 69.0deg 44.4deg
Nov. 3 ?72.2deg 48.4deg
Nov. 4 76.7deg 51.0deg
Nov. 5 79.0deg 54.6deg
Nov. 6 8l.0deg 58.1deg
Nov. 7 84.5deg 55.2deg
Nov. 8 89.8deg 60.8deg
Nov. 9 92.6deg 63.1deg
Nov. 10 96.7deg . 70.1deg
Nov. 11 97.0deg 67.5deg
Nov. 12 ?94.9deg 67.0deg
Normal November maximum is 76.1, minimum 56.9.
Highest November maximum on record is 101.6, recorded on November 24, 1913.
Highest minimum was 77.0 recorded on November 30. 1925.
Record November heatwave occurred in 1915, when for seven successive days Perth recorded a maximum exceeding 90 degrees, followed by 89.9 the next day.
Highest reading, in November last year was 92.3, during a minor heat wave in which the maximum temperature exceeded the normal on 12 successive days.