MORE LIKE WINTER. COLD DECEMBER WEATHER. 03 Dec 1924. December generally brings heat waves, but the weather of the past few days has been extremely cold. The lowest shade reading yesterday was 44.9 = 7.1 Celsius.

1924 ‘MORE LIKE WINTER.’, The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 – 1931), 3 December, p. 13. , viewed 03 Dec 2024,

December generally brings heat waves, but the weather of the past few days has been extremely cold.
The lowest shade reading yesterday was 44.9.
The Government Meteorologist reported last night:—”Cool, weather, with fresh to strong southerly winds again prevailed over South Australia, it being cloudy to dull at places in the central and southern districts, but there were clear skies or scattered clouds else where. Maximum temperatures were mostly in the sixties, and ranged from 56 deg. at Stirling West,- to 73 at Streaky Bay.
At Adelaide the thermometer rose from the minimum of 44.9 (an exceptionally low reading) to a maximum of 66.9. During the 24 hours ended 8.30 am., light to very light rain was recorded over the lower South-East and at scattered places in the central and southern parts of South
Australia, the highest fall being 22 points at Kingston.
Light to heavy rain also occurred over the South-Eastern portion of the continent, and snow was reported from several stations in Victoria, and on the southern highlands of Tasmania.
A moderate anti-cyclone this morning covered this State, the centre lying in the Bight.
Another disturbance, however, is noted over Western Australia, and barometers are beginning to fall again on our far West Coast.
Fine weather should prevail to morrow with south to east winds tending northerly, with rising temperatures to the west, where unsettled conditions are lately to develop.”