UNBEARABLE HEAT IN MELBOURNE 13 Jan 1905. A number of people fell in the streets overpowered by the heat 105.6 degrees = 40.8 celsius
UNBEARABLE HEAT IN MELBOURNE. (1905, January 13). The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 – 1922), p. 4 (4 O’CLOCK EDITION). Retrieved January 14, 2025, from
Melbourne, January 12.
The weather in Melbourne was again intensely hot to-day, although, the highest reading of the thermometer, 105.6 deg. at 1.30 p.m., was lower than the maximum yesterday.
Still the average from sunrise to sunset was several degrees higher. The humidity of the atmosphere was greater than usual and this, with the fact that the heat was never less than 95 degrees, made the weather unbearable.
The streets were deserted, and business people complained of a great slump. A number of people fell in the streets overpowered by the heat. A short but severe thunderstorm passed over
early in the afternoon.