ABNORMAL HEAT. Nov 21 1919 100 deg F = 37.7 Celsius
ABNORMAL HEAT. (1919, December 5). The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 – 1934), p. 16. Retrieved November 21, 2023, from https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/192745316?searchTerm=november%20heat&searchLimits=#
ROCKHAMTON. November 21
During the week-end there was even prospect of good rain in the west. The clouds disappeared in a most tantilising manner. Strangely enough there has been a lack of thunderstorms, drove
Nevertheless there has been the satisfaction, so far, that bushfires, which were so disastrous over twelve months ago, causing loss of human lives had been conspicuously absent.
The temperature in parts of the west is still abnormally hot.
At Blackall, for instance the average this week was 100 degrees in shade.